
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-02-20 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The present paper, focusing on the interior control of hospital itself, digs out the most fundamental reason of the prevailing corruption in the medication business, that is, the weak interior management in some procedures like purchasing, bidding, and prescription. The ultimate aim of the present paper is to offer the efficient managerial solution for restraining the business corruption, and softening its bad affect. During the process of research, under the guidance of principle of combination theory with practice, case study and experimental conduction, we adopt the advanced method of hospital interior control, and perfect it after consulting many reference books and works. Using the advanced theories of interior control both at home and abroad for reference and considering about the characteristics of the medication industry, the present paper analyzes the reality of weak interior control in purchasing, bidding and some other procedures, explores the problems of the present administration, and elaborates the principles and measures of perfecting designing. Under the guidance of framework, the optimal scheme is raised by means of bettering control environment, perfecting control system, and strengthening the management of key business procedures.From the angle of control environment, the idea of cultivating good interior control environment is put forward, which includes the incorruptible and dedicated culture, scientific managerial ideas, reasonable organization structure, clear structure of property right and the leaders’excellent qualities like dedication, professional knowledge, and some moral values. The strict verifying and ratifying regulation should be established, and meantime the reasonable empowerment, the distinctive position commitment, and the compatibility between authority and responsibility should be put into practice. And accounting system should be completed and budget controlling of purchasing and bidding business should also be strengthened. To counter the present weak aspects, we put forward strengthening the administration of purchasing and bidding sectors; formulating scientific and standard control procedures; enhancing administration of project activity; completing the regulations of management and positional responsibility, and budgetary estimate and final accounting of revenue and expenditure; standardizing clinic medication activity; implementing the opening clinic medication rules; and strengthening administration of prescription right. From the perspective of implementing efficient interior verification, the idea of enhancing interior control verification with the help of the interior and exterior administrative powers is advanced. It consists of setting up interior verification institution to better the investigation and valuation of interior control, which is included in the assesent system of performances; strengthening the interior control responsibility; and boosting the country and the society exterior administrative roles.
论文关键词: 遏制;医药商业贿赂;内部控制;措施研究;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn restraint;medication business corruption;interior control;measures study;