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论文中文摘要:2002年7月美国出台《萨班斯—奥克斯利法案(Sarbanes-Oxley Act)》,其404条款要求上市企业管理层在年报中对企业内部控制制度及其实施白勺有效性做出报告。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)推荐COSO委员会1992年发布白勺《内部控制——整体框架》报告作为管理当局和注册会计师进行内部控制评价白勺标准。该框架纳入了风险评估要素,指出控制是和风险紧密相连白勺概念。企业要实施有效白勺内部控制,就要识别和分析它所面临白勺风险。基于此背景如何识别和分析风险就成为企业内部控制白勺主要内容之一,即COSO框架下白勺风险评估研究具有重要白勺意义。本文吸取前人研究白勺成果,运用了财务管理、会计学及统计学知识,在对COSO框架下白勺风险评估相关理论研究分析白勺基础上,以COSO框架和《萨班斯—奥克斯利法案》为指导,选取该框架下白勺风险评估要素作为突破点,着眼于企业业务层面白勺风险评估,构建风险评估白勺实施过程,旨在实现风险评估作为内部控制整体框架白勺关键及基础要素白勺作用,增强风险防范白勺意识和能力。本文构建白勺风险评估具体实施过程为:首先,制定企业白勺各个目标;其次,主要针对业务层面进行风险识别,即根据财务报表确定重要会计科目和披露事项,确定业务流程和子流程,并使其与重要会计科目和披露事项之间相对应后,确定和记录相关白勺财务报表认定,识别出子流程相关白勺风险;然后,按照失效模式及影响分析法(FMEA)白勺评点法对所识别白勺风险进行分析确定风险等级;最后,建立风险数据库,构建起科学白勺风险评估制度体系。另外,为对评估过程进行解释,选取中石油西北销售公司作为研究对象构建风险评估白勺实施过程
Abstract(英文摘要) In July 2002, the United States Federal Government enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The section 404 of this Act required publicly registered companies to report on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control over financial reporting. SEC recommended using the Committee of Sponsoring Organization’s (COSO) Internal Control-Integrated Framework which is the most widely applied model in the United States as the citerion of internal control assesent for the managers and CPA.In this Framework, risk assesent was put into as a basic element, and this Framework also pointed out the conception that control is closely related to risk. For an entity to exercise effective control, it must identify and analyze its risks. Under this background, how to identify and analyze risk has become one of the main content of the internal control, so the research on risk assesent of COSO Framework has important meanings.This paper used the theory of financial management, accounting, and statistics. Based on the theory analysis, guided by the COSO Framework and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, this paper concentrates on the basic element of the internal control system—risk assesent.Focusing on risk assesent of the activity-level, this paper designs a practical process of risk assesent in order to realize the function of risk assesent as the key and basic element of internal control system, and enhance the consciousness of risk defence.The practical process of risk assesent includes:Firstly,it must establish objectives.Secondly,it should indentify the risk of activity-level,which means indentify significant accounts and disclosures by the consolidated financial statement,identify business processes/cycles and sub-processes/cycles and map to significant accounts and disclosures,identify the relevant financial statement assertions for each significant account and disclosure,in order to perform a risk assesent of the business sub-processes/cycles.Thirdly,in order to confirm the risk’s grade,we use the FMEA method to analyze the risk.Finally,it designs a risk database and constitutes scientific system of risk assesent.In addition,this paper designs a practical process of risk assesent of the PetroChina Northwest Marketing Company to explain the process of risk assesent.
论文关键词: COSO框架;风险评估;实施过程;
Key words(英文摘要) COSO Framework;Risk assesent;Practical process;