
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-21 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn The internal control is an important constitutive fraction that carries out the modern business management, and also it is the foundation to ensure the enterprise operation oothly carries on. The standardization of the internal control construction has the extremely vital significance to improve the internal control present situation for enterprises in our country, guarantee the quality of accounting information, perfect management and information publication system, protect investor’s legitimate rights and interests, and guarantee the effective running for capital market.Non-governmentally operated enterprises occupy important position in national economic construction of our country. however, the internal control construction of these enterprises often copy that of the overseas big company’s pattern unconsciously. Therefore, studying the internal control construction of our country non-governmentally operated enterprises is very important to their continually development, as well as the promotion and prosperity of nation economic.Using the literature method, the case analysis method and so on, it studied thoroughly the internal control construct of Shandong Zhaodongfang paper Ltd. of Corp. This article embarks from the enterprise internal control theory development, expound international and the domestic internal control theory synthetically, analyze the case of the internal control construct of Shandong Zhaodongfang paper Ltd. of Corp. profoundly analyze the insufficiency which exists in the internal control aspect, subsequently proposed the suggestion for standard enterprise internal control as well as for guarantee enterprise internal control implement effectively. The purpose is to arouse society, government department concerned and enterprise take cognizance of the importance and the urgency of the standardization for the internal control, and provides a usable reference for non-governmentally operated enterprises accelerate their the internal control construction.The innovation of this article is that, the design project of internal control for Shandong Zhaodongfang paper Ltd. of Corp. includes the internal control constituents, and also it is adapt to the non-governmentally operated enterprises. The design project of internal control is reference for other Non-governmentally operated enterprises.
论文关键词: 内部控制;COSO报告;民营企业;内部控制构建;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibEt.cn internal control;COSO Report;non-governmentally operated enterprises;internal control construction;