
当前位置: 大雅查重 - 范文 更新时间:2024-04-10 版权:用户投稿原创标记本站原创
Abstract(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn The IAS39 Financial Instrument: Affirmance and Measurement Officially promulgated by IASB in 1998 is important and decisive to financial instrument measured by fair value. Fair value is considered to reflect the true financial situation of enterprises, to provide a more transparent and complete information for the user of financial statements. But the American real estate sub-loan crisis in 2007 exposed the deficiencies about the fair value measurement attribute of financial instrument accounting standard, and we need to think of whether the fair value measurement attribute can reflect the real value and risk. Likewise, we need to check the effect of the fair value measurement attribute and the impact to the society of our country from the fair value measurement attribute.The thesis studies the differences and convergence on the fair value measurement attribute of financial instrument accounting standard between International and domestic through comparative analysis, and the impact of current international and domestic financial environment on the fair value. They reveals the fair value measurement’s defects and deficiencies which are some certain unfair, hard to obtain the data, and subjective equalitarian. With an empirical study into the fair value measurement used in 2007 -2008 annual reports, we can identify the following problems: no-clear-classification, a tool for manipulating profits, less-useful-decision, and make suggestions such as the establishment of mature system, clearing classification of financial instruments, and so on.
论文关键词: 金融工具;公允价值;金融工具会计准则;交叉持股;
Key words(英文摘要):www.328tibet.cn financial instrument;fair value;financial instruments accounting standard;cross-shareholding;